
I prepared myself for this week to be a nightmare, but in so many ways it was the week I needed to rejuvenate my spirit and remind me why I choose teaching.

While processing the loss of my pregnancy, I (foolishly?) asked my students to write “I wish my teachers knew” journal entries. Their responses humbled me and re-focused my attention to the most important part of this work: to love them where they are, so that it helps them get to where they’re going. In their bravery and vulnerability, I saw my own pain reflected and I was reminded that to really hear someone’s truth is to practice radical love.

We took our truth-telling to history and analyzed the American mythology surrounding Thanksgiving, discussing how gratitude and justice can and should co-exist.

​My friend and teaching partner allowed me to share our Thanksgiving lesson with hundreds of educators and I’m so damn proud! Bradford, I’m so proud of the love and grace we manage to show our students in times of crisis. This week, we got to see some of that love and grace returned and it was really beautiful.

For these things I am grateful.


How to Teach a Class of Children the State Would Kill with Impunity